Blogs! Why bother?

Why should you bother with blogs?

When it comes to marketing your optical practice, blogging provides an enduring channel to build your reputation and generate leads. Here’s how…   Business blogging isn’t the online equivalent to standing on a soapbox, it’s about showcasing your optical industry expertise in a way that provides genuinely helpful and valuable content to your potential customers.…

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Meet The OptiCommerce Team: Chris Mantle

  Name: Chris Mantle Role: Digital Marketing Manager What do you look after at OptiCommerce: I head up the client marketing services team. We manage and deliver bespoke marketing strategies for our clients that help attract new patients and increase recalls with existing ones. What is the project at work that you’ve been most proud…

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How Effective is Your Website at Selling Your Brand?

Customers are fickle and are used to shopping around for the most convenient services. Google search results dictate your business’ visibility. Patients can enter and exit your practice within three seconds and two clicks. Welcome to the digital age! The internet presents endless options for your existing and potential patients looking for optician services. So…

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Meet The OptiCommerce Team: Andrea Chance-Hill

Name: Andrea Chance-Hill Role: Project / Account Manager What do you look after at OptiCommerce? I oversee the creation of our client’s websites, from liaising with our Design Team to create a design that’s perfect for each client, to working with our Development Team to bring the design to life! Which OptiCommerce project are you…

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OmniChannel for Opticians: What does it mean and do your patients want it?

‘OmniChannel’ sounds like just another marketing buzzword. So how can this new way of communicating with your customers revolutionise the way you do business? Simply put, this strategy links all your online and offline communication channels. Your website, social media, pay-per-click ads, newsletters, PMS and your practice itself become one seamless patient experience. It’s an…

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Email Marketing – Why You Need to Do It!

Marketing messages are most effective when communicated directly to the customer – and where better to reach them than their inbox? 99% of Britons check their email every day* and 59%** of marketers claim that email marketing campaigns represent their biggest return of investment. It’s a cost effective solution that targets your patients in a…

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Mobile Responsiveness. Why does it matter?

The way we use the Internet has changed beyond recognition over the past decade. Do you ever think about how traditional websites were designed with a computer screen in mind?  Nowadays though around half¹ of all internet traffic is driven by mobile usage on smart phones and tablets. Does your optician practice have a mobile…

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Your Optical Brand: How to Tell Your Stories

digital stories for optical brands, open book

What makes one Optical Brand stand out from another? How can you connect with your customers and keep them coming back to your practice? A cat with no pulse turns out to be a veterinary assistant’s furry hat, a fitness instructor mistakenly runs aerobics at the bingo club, John Cleese accidentally bashes up a police…

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Snapchat vs Instagram?

A little over a year ago, Instagram uploaded a very identical feature of Snapchat – Instagram ‘Stories’. Although at the time it caused a lot of outrage, it has also been one of the speediest features to take off for Instagram in such a short space of time. However, with the introduction of Snapchat Specs…

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