Meet The OptiCommerce Team: Chris Mantle

By Opticommerce | January 31, 2020



Chris Mantle


Digital Marketing Manager

What do you look after at OptiCommerce:

I head up the client marketing services team. We manage and deliver bespoke marketing strategies for our clients that help attract new patients and increase recalls with existing ones.

What is the project at work that you’ve been most proud to be part of?

We work with some really interesting clients in the UK, North America and Nordic areas. Our new video service has really taken off in the UK and US in 2019 and is set to grow massively in 2020. Helping our clients tell their story visually really does bring products and services alive and help to explain complex or important aspects of eye care more easily and effectively. A great example is the use of video by Taylor Biddle Opticians to explain the benefits and purpose of an OCT scan.

What’s your favourite aspect of the job?

I work with a great team, with great experience. who really do care about our industry and our clients.

What is the first thing you do when you get to the office in the morning?

I always try and make a to-do list, or extend yesterday’s if we’ve been very busy!

Something interesting about you:

I’ve worked for some big companies like Google, TAG Williams Lea and Reach local as well as running my own marketing agency for 5 years.

Do you have any pets?

We have Olive, a Patterdale Terrier (fell terrier); we got her as a rescue. I’ve always had dogs, but never a small one before. She is pound for pound the fittest, most energetic and bravest dog I’ve ever met. Everyone still thinks she’s a puppy, even at 11 yrs old!

Have you ever met anyone famous?

I met a rugby idol, Tim Rodber (former England international) who also worked at TAG Williams Lea. Bumped into Damien Lewis (actor) in a park once and aged 17, I sang karaoke to a teenage audience that included soon to be Scary Spice, Mel B!

Have you got any unusual hobbies?

I’ve coached junior rugby for 11 years, including two of my three sons.