Award-Winning Practice Using Omni-Channel Technology

By Opticommerce | December 30, 2015

Some end of year reading for you to do on your new tablet or phone (before you go and take stock of the damage done to the waistline over the holiday period!) Take a look at this article in Optician Online

Award winning practice Peter Ivins Eye Care in Glasgow took the top gong this year for Technology Practice Of The Year.
And would you know it? His website is powered by OptiCommerce which links directly into his Ocuco PMS software.
Just one of an impressive array of technologies within the practice.
I have to take my hat off to practice owners like Peter who are leading the way by embracing web technology and Internet marketing.
Do this –  take a peek at the Peter Ivins Eye Care website below (click the image to view full, mobile responsive, website).
Now take a good hard look at your own practice website. 
Need I say more? You know what you need to do.
Enjoy the rest of the holiday :)
Look out for details for a special online webinar I’ll be hosting in the new year. Everything you need to know to get you on the right track (if you’re not already following the OptiCommerce way to web enlightenment & prosperity)