Meet Gemma; the OptiCommerce PPC Guru!

By Opticommerce | March 9, 2020

Job Title:

Senior PPC Analyst


What do you look after at OptiCommerce?

I am in charge of the Pay Per Click (PPC) activity in the OptiCommerce Marketing Team. It’s my job to make sure that there’s clear communication between myself, the account manager and the client and to work to ensure that we meet our client’s goals. I set up new PPC accounts and build the campaigns, tracking all conversions, taking care of rebuilds and optimising campaigns to keep them performing well, as we learn more from analysing the responses over time.


What is the project at work that you’ve been most proud to be part of?

My favourite international project was for a US client who had already done PPC; but they had no results from it and no way to track the users interactions with their site. We designed a full marketing strategy and PPC rebuild. All of which was set up to ensure we could track results. We grew their business from day one and the client is really happy with the results!


What’s your favourite aspect of the job?

I enjoy the creative part of coming up with new campaign ideas and testing those ideas to see what works best. Also the challenge of keeping on top of complex tracking processes and delivering results.


What is the first thing you do when you get to the office in the morning?

Turn on the computer and screens, review my to do list for the day and check my emails. Of course none of this happens til I get a freshly made coffee in my hand!


Something interesting about you:

This might sound surprising to some of you, as I have the full on Mediterranean look, but I was born in London. I lived in  Germany until my teenage years when I moved to Spain. I’ve been back in England about 6 years now.


Do you have any pets?

I don’t have any pets in the UK but I left my lovely Siamese cat Pepa living her best life at my parents home.


Have you ever met anyone famous?

Quite a few famous Spanish people!


Have you got any unusual hobbies?

Not sure this can be considered a hobby but, I love sushi.  If I could eat sushi every single day, I would be the happiest person in the world!