Meet The OptiCommerce Team: George Brooks, Marketing Executive

By Opticommerce | July 4, 2017

Name: George Brooks

Role: Marketing Executive

Describe working for OptiCommerce in 3 words: Dynamic. Challenging. Educational (within the Optics industry)

What do you enjoy about your role the most: I enjoy the creativity behind social media marketing

Favourite band/artist? Tough one, I’d probably say Pixies or Swans

If you could live off of one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Steak or something with potatoes in it?

Describe yourself in 1 word: Unhealthy

Favourite film? La Dolce Vita

Celebrity crush? Errrr…. Rooney Mara

Favourite page to follow on Instagram? Humans of Late Capitalism (@HOLC)

What has been your biggest achievement in your career so far? Getting my Marketing qualification after working so hard for it!